Sustainable Business

Pioneering strategies, fostering innovation, and catalysing collaboration towards a prosperous future, where economic success harmonises with environmental preservation and social equity.

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Hilary Mason

Hilary Mason

Finance Director, Commercial Finance Partner, GSK

Vineta Bajaj

Vineta Bajaj

Group CFO, Rohlik Group

Dr Michael Goerz

Dr Michael Goerz

VP Finance, Siemens Energy

Tanbir Jasimuddin

Tanbir Jasimuddin

Director, COO Transformation, DWF

Joy Mbanugo

Joy Mbanugo

CFO, Service Rocket

John Power

John Power

COO, Fluence Technologies

Lee Taylor

Lee Taylor

CFO, OnlyFans

ShanMae Teo

ShanMae Teo

CFO, Climate Impact Partners

Carolina Veira

Carolina Veira

Founder & Head of Finance, Sustainability and Impact, The Strategic Group

Clare Vosper Mortimer

Clare Vosper Mortimer

VP Finance and Operations, WildBrain

Victor Momoh

Victor Momoh

Former Microsoft Excel MVP, Certified Microsoft Excel Expert

Mark Proctor

Mark Proctor

Excel Coach, Excel off the Grid

Mike Rose

Mike Rose

Associate, GENCFO


Mastering the ‘Everywhere Workforce’

21 May 2024, 02:30 PM
Clare Vosper Mortimer Hilary Mason

Adapt or die: Is the accountancy qualification relevant in the digital world?

21 May 2024, 03:30 PM
Lee Taylor Dr Michael Goerz Vineta Bajaj

Planet and Profit - Avoid ESG crisis and cost by being a cool boss!

21 May 2024, 04:15 PM
ShanMae Teo Carolina Veira Mike Rose

Strategic partners: building a digital finance function ecosystem

22 May 2024, 03:15 PM
Tanbir Jasimuddin John Power Joy Mbanugo

Copilot in Excel, magic or make believe?

22 May 2024, 04:00 PM
Mark Proctor Victor Momoh