ShanMae Teo

CFO, Climate Impact Partners

About this speaker

 ShanMae is Chief Financial Officer of Climate Impact Partners - one of the leading and longest established organizations in the voluntary carbon market, working with world leading companies and project partners to deliver high-quality outcomes towards a net-zero future. Drawing upon her more than 20 years’ experience across a range of industries, ShanMae leads the organizations’ financial management and strategy, helping to unlock the power of carbon finance to drive the scale and impact of climate action. Throughout her career, ShanMae has used her knowledge and experience to develop organizations’ strategic growth plans, working closely alongside CEOs and drawing upon her deep understanding of both micro and macro environmental factors impacting this.


Planet and Profit - Avoid ESG crisis and cost by being a cool boss!

21 May 2024, 04:15 PM
Mike Rose Carolina Veira ShanMae Teo